Tours a Peu




Girona Explorers

Tours a peu i excursions a Girona


Tours a Peu

per descobrir els nostres pobles i ciutats mƩs bonics



per arribar al mar, les muntanyes i mƩs enllƠ

Els millors

amb mƩs de 6.000 ressenyes
ī€³ī€³ī€³ī€³ī€³Ā 4,8/5

Descobreix Girona, la Costa Brava, la Garrotxa i molt mƩs amb els nostres guies 100% locals, i coneix tant bƩ com nosaltres la nostra estimada ciutat i comarques.

El millor de Girona en grups reduĆÆts, dins de la ciutat i en excursions cada dia amb recollida i tornada a l’hotel.

Tours a Peu



Passeja per antics antics pobles de postal amb un dels nostres recorreguts a peu per Girona. Uneix-te a una de les rutes programades, o reserva el teu tour privat 100% a mida, i gaudeix de tot el que poden oferir les nostres ciutats i pobles acompanyant-nos en les millors visites.

ī‚Ā  PlaƧa IndependĆØnciaĀ  Ā  Ā  īƒ”Ā  2h

History, Legends & Food

Learn about Gironaā€™s history, discover our legends, and sample the best local treats along the way: a xuixo and some ratafia!


ī€³ Local food tasting: xuixo and ratafia
ī€³ Cathedral of Girona
ī€³ Sant Feliu BasĆ­lica
ī€³ Onyar river & bridges
ī€³ Old Town & Jewish Quarter

ī‚Ā  PlaƧa IndependĆØnciaĀ  Ā  Ā  īƒ”Ā  3h

The 11 Tastings of Girona

Discover our medieval charm and 11 local dishes. Explore the city and savor a sen-sory journey through time and flavour!


ī€³ Girona Cathedral
ī€³ Xuixo and ratafia
ī€³ Sant Feliu BasĆ­lica
ī€³ Local beer, wine and cava
ī€³ Old Town & Jewish Quarter
ī€³ Cold meats and cheeses
ī€³ Onyar river & bridges

ī‚Ā  PlaƧa IndependĆØnciaĀ  Ā  Ā  īƒ”Ā  2h

Free Tour Girona

Dive into our history, traditions, lifestyle, and much more, and discover why our beautiful Girona is trending so much.

ī€³ Cathedral of Girona
ī€³ Jewish Quarter
ī€³ Sant Feliu Basilica
ī€³ Old town (Barri Vell)
ī€³ Mercadal & IndependĆØncia


Descobreix pobles de contes de fades, muntanyes verdes i boscos mĆ gics, platges idĆ­lĀ·liques, rius frescos i la millor gastronomia en una excursiĆ³ d’un dia des de la ciutat de Girona. En grups de mĆ xim 8 persones, amb recollida i tornada al teu hotel.

ī‚Ā  Hotel pick-upĀ  Ā  Ā  īƒ”Ā  9h

The DalĆ­ Triangle

ī€³Ā DalĆ­Ā Ā·Ā CadaquĆ©s Ā·Ā Art

Salvador DalĆ­ is probably our most famous artist. Visit in one day the surrealist triangle of the painter: the Museum, the Castle and the House. Sacrebleu!

What we'll see

EĀ Gala-DalĆ­ Castle in PĆŗbol
EĀ DalĆ­ Theatre-Museum in Figueres
E Free time to have lunch in CadaquƩs
E DalĆ­ House-Museum in Portlligat

ī‚Ā  Hotel pick-upĀ  Ā  Ā  īƒ”Ā  7.5h

Medieval Costa Brava

ī€³ Pals Ā· Peratallada Ā· Begur Ā· Calella

Come discover the most beautiful villages on the EmpordĆ . Stories of pirates, Indians, counts and warsā€¦ Enjoy the essence of the true Costa Brava!

What we'll see

EĀ Castellfollit de la Roca
EĀ BesalĆŗ
E Banyoles Lake
EĀ Medieval bridges and rivers
EĀ Cookie factory

ī‚Ā  Hotel pick-upĀ  Ā  Ā  īƒ”Ā  7h

Historical Garrotxa

ī€³ BesalĆŗ Ā· Castellfollit Ā· Banyoles

A village perched on top of a volcanic cliff, medieval towns, a lake surrounded by forests and nature, biscuits, old and mysterious bridgesā€¦ Are you coming?

What we'll see

ī€³ Local food tasting: xuixo and ratafia
ī€³ Cathedral of Girona
ī€³ Sant Feliu BasĆ­lica
ī€³ Onyar river & bridges
ī€³ Old Town & Jewish Quarter

ī‚Ā  Hotel pick-upĀ  Ā  Ā  īƒ”Ā  8h

Volcanic Garrotxa

ī€³ Nature Ā· Volcanoes Ā· Hike & swim!

Climb a volcano with a chapel in the crater, walk through the magical Fageda, enjoy a waterfall and visit beautiful villages. Traditional picnic lunch included!

What we'll see
EĀ Santa Pau
EĀ Santa Margarida Volcano
E Traditional picnic lunch outdoors
E La Fageda d’en JordĆ 
E Secret waterfall where we’ll have a swim!
EĀ Banyoles Lake

ī‚Ā  Hotel pick-upĀ  Ā  Ā  īƒ”Ā  9h

CadaquƩs and Dalƭ

ī€³ CadaquĆ©s Ā· DalĆ­ Ā· Sea

Have you ever heard of this idyllic corner of the world, lost in Cap de Creus? Dalƭ spent most of his life there. Visit his house and discover CadaquƩs!

What we'll see

EĀ CadaquĆ©s
E DalĆ­ House-Museum in Portlligat
E Tastinf of Taps de CadaquƩs
E OPTIONAL: wine tasting

ī‚Ā  Hotel pick-upĀ  Ā  Ā  īƒ”Ā  9h

CadaquƩs and Wine

ī€³ CadaquĆ©s Ā· Wine Ā· Sea

Did you know that the Cap de Creus was all covered with vines, until phylloxera arrived? Discover the history of CadaquƩs and taste the only wines from the area!

What we'll see
EĀ CadaquĆ©s
E Wine tasting
E Tasting of Taps de CadaquƩs
E OPTIONAL: DalĆ­ House-Museum in Portlligat


Girona Explorers va nĆ©ixer amb l’objectiu de convertir-se en els millors amfitrions de la nostra ciutat, Girona, i milers de bones ressenyes ho avalen. Oferim serveis turĆ­stics de mĆ xima qualitat i mostrem als visitants com som, quĆØ som i com som. Dissenyem i seleccionem les millors experiĆØncies. I creiem que tenim molta sort de viure a Girona que, en pocs anys, sā€™ha convertit en un referent mundial en cultura, gastronomia, esport i natura. La nostra passiĆ³ Ć©s compartir-ho.

Los mejores Girona Free Tour

100% local

Guies nascuts i criats aquĆ­ que coneixen i estimen Girona de cap a peus

Los mejores Girona Free Tour

ProveĆÆdors directes

Evita comissions i reserva directament amb la mateixa empresa que et guiarĆ  durant el viatge

Los mejores Girona Free Tour

SatisfacciĆ³ garantida

MƩs de 6.000 ressenyes online i mƩs de 70.000 visitants contents han gaudit de Girona amb nosaltres

Based on 1259 reviews
Zeljko Tomsic
Zeljko Tomsic
3 June 2024
It was excellent experience and to recommend the tour guide.
Mark Evans
Mark Evans
2 June 2024
JM did a great job. He definitely knows his way around Girona and was very personable and entertaining. This was a great way to be introduced to such a beautiful city with a rich history.
Kerry Thurston
Kerry Thurston
1 June 2024
Terrific tour with Juan Marc today. He was engaging, informative, and professional! We loved it - highly recommend.
MercĆØ MartĆ­nez
MercĆØ MartĆ­nez
1 June 2024
Gino ha hecho un tour histĆ³rico genial. Ha sido muy instructivo y ameno
Pietro Dimitri
Pietro Dimitri
1 June 2024
Excelente experiencia... un guĆ­a con mucha experiencia y conocimiento con explicaciones muy amenas... altamente recomendado!!!
Luz Viollaz
Luz Viollaz
1 June 2024
Nuestro guĆ­a fue Gino. Uno de los mejores freewalking que hicimos. Fue puntual. LogrĆ³ explicar toda la historia de una forma muy entretenida y con muchos detalles sin ser agobiante. Dispuesto a responder todas las preguntas. Se pasĆ³ muy rĆ”pido. SĆŗper recomendable.
Daniela BeguƩ
Daniela BeguƩ
1 June 2024
He hecho muchos tours en muchas ciudades y la verdad que Gino ha hecho que tenga el mejor tour de todos!
C. Olivera
C. Olivera
29 May 2024
Hicimos un tour por la ciudad de Girona guiados por Gino. Ɖl hizo de la visita un momento cultural, ameno y muy divertido. Muchas gracias.
Michael McCarthy
Michael McCarthy
28 May 2024
JeanMarc was awesome. Wealth of knowledge. Highly recommens
Miquel PedrĆ³s
Miquel PedrĆ³s
28 May 2024
FantĆ stica explicaciĆ³. Molt documentada i extensa.